Gridline Property Defaults

In the Project Environment dialog, in [library or project] > Document Production > Gridline Property Defaults, the project administrator can create "Gridline Property Defaults" configuration objects. The purpose of these objects is to provide common setups for grids that designers insert into drawing views in Plant Modeller documents. Each project should have at least one such configuration object to eliminate the need for designers to set up each grid manually.

Creating gridline property defaults

To provide default settings for grid lines, create a "Gridline Property Defaults" configuration object in the library database and approve the configuration for use in relevant projects.


  • At least one Annotation Property Defaults configuration for the visual styling of grid lines. X/Y lines and Z lines can use different "Annotation Property Defaults" configurations.

Do the following:

  1. In the Project Environment dialog, browse to [library] > Document Production > Gridline Property Defaults and select New > Gridline Property Defaults. The Edit Object Attributes dialog opens.

  2. Enter a descriptive name and, optionally, a description for the configuration, then click OK. The Grid Line Properties dialog opens.

  3. Define the grid line properties.

  4. Click OK. The configuration object is now stored in the library.

  5. Right-click the configuration object and approve it for use in the project.

    Note: If the approval is later removed, any documents that have taken the configuration into use will continue to use it.

Selecting gridline property defaults for drawing views

In the document editor, designers insert grid lines into drawing views with the Grid Lines tool. The Grid Line Properties dialog has a field for selecting the "Gridline Property Defaults" configuration to use.